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Accute Optical Technology,www.accuteoptical.com
最后更新: 2020-7-11
No matter how far you have gone down the wrong road, turn back. 不管你在错的路上已走了多远,必须回头。 (日期:2014-06-18)
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle. 一个只关心自己的人只能成就很小的事。 —本杰明•富兰克林 (日期:2014-06-17)
Complaining is poverty. Instead of complaining about what’s wrong, be grateful for what’s right. 抱怨是贫穷的心态,别抱怨不好的事,要 (日期:2014-06-16)
Life is too short to waste. Dreams are fulfilled only through action, not through endless planning to take action. 人生太短不能浪费,梦想只能靠行 (日期:2014-06-14)
Knowledge has to be improved, challenged and increased constantly, or it vanishes. 我们必需时常改进、挑战、及增加我们的知识,否则它将不复存在。 — (日期:2014-06-12)
High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. 高成就永远是在高期待的前提下所产生。 —查尔斯‧凯特灵 (日期:2014-06-11)
The greatest test of courage is to bear defeat without losing heart. 勇气的最大考验是承受失败却不失去信心。 —罗伯特‧英格索 (日期:2014-06-10)
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. 百分之九十九的失败都是由习惯找借口的人造成的。 —乔治• (日期:2014-06-09)
Fear melts when you take action towards a goal you really want. 当你对一个你真正想要的目标付诸行动时,恐惧就会消失。 —罗伯特‧艾伦 (日期:2014-06-07)
All your dreams can come ture if you have the courage to pursue them. 如果你有追求的勇气,所有的梦想都可以实现。 —华特•迪士尼 (日期:2014-06-06)